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Gioachino Rossini's L'Inganno Felice

Gioachino Rossini's opera semiseria, L'Inganno Felice (The Fortunate Deception), was amazing!

A live orchestra and full entourage of new young singers animated this Rossini gem.

October 30, 2022

Casa Italiana -

Downtown Los Angeles




Before the action begins, Isabella is happily married to Duke Bertrando. Jealous villains Ormondo and Batone tarnish Isabella's reputation and cast her adrift in a boat on the sea. She is rescued however by a local miner, Tarabotto, who then disguises her as his niece, Nisa. Isabella guards her identity secretly from everyone...

The setting is  "The distant past" in a seaside mining village in Italy.

The opera begins ten years after her rescue. Duke Bertrando goes to visit the mines. Isabella, who is still in love with her rightful husband Bertrando, finally reveals her true identity to Tarabotto her rescuer. Tarabotto promises to help her. The duke arrives accompanied by the (unpunished) villains. Bertrando is still in love with his wife even though he believed the rumours that she had been unfaithful to him. Villain Batone catches sight of "Nisa" and realises she is Isabella in disguise. He plots with Ormondo to abduct her that night, but Tarabotto overhears their plan. Before they can kidnap Isabella, the two villains are unmasked and "Nisa"'s true story is revealed.  She shows everyone her duchess' clothes and a jeweled portrait of the duke that she has kept with her. Bertrando and Isabella are reunited.


Is an opera in one act by Gioachino Rossini. Giuseppe Foppa penned the libretto.

Considered an opera semiseria, it is a romantic melodrama with comic elements.

It was first performed at the Teatro San Moise' in Venice on 8 January 1812 and was an instant success.


Highlighted for its clever plot with serpiginous deceptions, its music is best known for several enchanting solos and a well woven trio of Isabella (Soprano), Duke Bertrando (tenor) and Tarabotto (bass).


Isabella, sposa del Duca Bertrando, un tempo fu molestata da Ormondo, il ministro del marito. La virtuosa donna lo rifiuto’ e allora Ormando la accusò falsamente di infedeltà. In seguito a tutto cio' Il Duca ripudiò la sventurata moglie ordinando che fosse affidata alle onde del mare su una fragile barca. 
Per fortuna, Isabella fu trasportata dalle acque sulla spiaggia in prossimità delle miniere del Duca e là fu accolta da Tarabotto, capo dei minatori. Lui riusci' a tenerla con se' facendola passare per sua nipote.
Dopo dieci anni - e qui comincia l'azione - il Duca visita le sue miniere per esplorare il luogo dove condurre un'operazione militare. Il Duca è accompagnato da Ormondo. A questo punto, Isabella, la quale nutre sempre fiducia che un giorno la propria innocenza venga riconosciuta dal marito, confida a Tarabotto quanto finora gli aveva tenuto occulto: essere la sposa ripudiata del Duca.
Tarabotto, ascoltata la storia di Isabella cerchera' allora, molto sagacemente di far incontrare la donna e il Duca affinché lui possa finalmente riconoscerla. Il generoso uomo quindi convincerà Isabella a svelarsi al Duca.
Così verrà premiata l'innocenza e punito il delitto.

Libretto di Giuseppe Foppa

Music performed by Chamberly Music

Conductor: Oliver Chan

Singers of Opera Italia - LA

Musica eseguita da Chamberly Music

Direttore d'Orchestra Oliver Chan

Cantanti dell'Opera Italia

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